Aero Ektar in tilted position
Aero Ektar in tilted position.
The image shows a combined tilt and rise movement. While adjusting continuous looking on your GG is necessary.
View from above. Aero Ektar in swing position
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THE TILT..What is it ? Part III
The Speed Graphic not known as a camera with many movements can do exactly what we want in combination with the Aero Ektar.
There are two types of tilt:
- Front forward tilt
(Field cameras have also the Rear forward tilt)
- Front backward tilt
(Field cameras have also the Rear back tilt)
The Speed Graphic we use has only the backwards tilt on the front standard. This movement can be used to minimize DOF even further. The tilt can also be used together with the rise and the shift when called for.
The backwards tilt is antithetical to most technical LF practice these days. The front tilt is mainly used to extend DOF with wide-angle lenses. Images with an immense Depth of Field are possible! Another important movement is the swing.
This method will only work when you're focusing on the GG (Range Finder won't work). Next time you're feeling towards tilting, study the GG and see what happens. You have to tilt and refocus on the main subject in your image all the time. Practice, viewing,looking and focusing as often as you can. Eventually it will be come second nature, when you have a pre-conceived idea...have fun!