Anonymous Quotes
Savor these quotes and add one of yourself....Anonymous of course!
TPPR Acronym. Technically Perfect, Pictorially Rotten - About someones Portfolio...
A picture is worth a thousand words; a slide show is both. -Anonymous , 'Demented Thoughts', (c) 1992-1996 Warren Young.
The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as the pen. -Anonymous
The brilliancy and sharpness of some of them are highly remarkable. -Anonymous , Anonymous comment about Matthew Brady's work.
A photograph can be as striking and as haunting as a great painting or a fine poem. -Anonymous , Handbook annual, 1988.
The ultimate photgraphic camera will imprint a scene directly into a person's memory. -Anonymous
If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use? -Anonymous
The enemy of photography is the convention, the fixed rules of 'how to do'. The salvation of photography comes from the experiment. -Anonymous
It's not the camera, but who's behind the camera. -Anonymous
Photography teaches that how well you see has nothing to do with how well you see. -Anonymous
If you can't make it better make it bigger. -Anonymous
Once photography enters your bloodstream, it's like a disease. -Anonymous
The only reason to do your own processing is quality. -Anonymous
Never show a customer two prints of different density. He will ask you to print a third with a density between the two. -Anonymous
The camera cannot lie, but it cannot help being selective. -Anonymous
Every time someone tells me how sharp my photos are, I assume that it isn't a very interesting photograph. If it was, they would have more to say. -Anonymous
One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photo out of focus are an experimentation, one hundred photo out of focus are a style. -Anonymous
The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. -Anonymous
When you use a camera, not as a machine but as an extension of your heart, you become one with your subject. -Anonymous
The type of photographs you make, the subjects you single out, reveal the person inside of you. How close you get to your subjects reveals how close you want to get. -Anonymous
Don't ever forget how alien a machine over a person's face appears. A photographer must be sensitive and caring so the mechanical act of recording light images is secondary to the union of spirit with the subject. -Anonymous
That a horse rushing along at the rate of a mile in one and two thirds of a minute (more than 17 yards in a second) should be seized by photographic art so as to show every limb well and clearly delineated would have seemed wonderful indeed to the early professors of that art. -Anonymous , Editor, Knowledge, April 14, 1882
Here, in truth, is a discovery launched upon the world, that must make a revolution in what way, in what degree will art be affected by it? -Anonymous , The New Yorker, April 20, 1839
Everything I take a picture of, I try to think of it as a new invention for someone to see. If it comes out perfect it is because I put my heart into it. And if the viewer likes it, it is because his or her heart and emotions accepted it. -Anonymous
I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. And by seeing we also begin to understand ourselves. -Anonymous
When we care, we will not forget. The picture in our head or the vivid printed picture will remind us. Without care, we would not remember, only see. -Anonymous
My camera has helped to give me insight to truth. It has helped me to understand that change is wonderful and beneficial. -Anonymous
Pictures always should have a special story behind it or a special meaning to the photographer. -Anonymous
Pictures hold life's experiences. And I feel that with every experience you learn something. Therefore, you learn something with every picture you take. -Anonymous
A photograph must say: "Here is what these people are like now." -Anonymous
When I walk around my little world I observe the oddities, the fun of life in the middle of harsh reality. I think one can laugh in pain. Maybe this is what we need to pull us out of the absurdity of it all. I always thought how strange it is that one can find beauty even in the most horrible images. I care for what I photograph. I make love with my eyes through the viewfinder. I caress the image on that piece of paper as it appears like magic, a ray of light emerging from total darkness. -Anonymous
Good photographs are seen in the mind's eye before the shutter is tripped, but they are made in the darkroom. For it is the final stage of photography -in the production of negative and print- that the creative vision is realized in a picture meant to be looked at, admired, perhaps honoured. -Anonymous , "The Print: The LIFE Library of Photography" by Editors
Success is what happens when 10,000 hours of preparation meet with one moment of opportunity. -Anonymous
If you can't make a great photograph of a mundane subject, at least make a mundane photograph of a great subject! -Anonymous , an old photographic maxim
A great photo happens when a photographer sees a situation unfolding in front of them that evokes an emotion that the photographer feels deep down, in the middle of their chest. And in a split second, they then make a conscience choice of exposure, lens, depth of field, lighting, body language, composition, etc., and releases the shutter. The film is then processed, scanned, laid out on a page, printed on a press, driven across town to the newspaper carrier who throws it on some guy's porch, who then opens the newspaper and looks down at that photo . and if that guy gets the same feeling deep down in the middle of his chest that the photographer did when they viewed the situation in the first place, they have made a great photo. And if not, well at least he has something to wrap the fish in at the market the next day.-Anonymous
I take pictures like Jimmy Page, and I play guitar like Ansel Adams. -Anonymous
When you blame it on the work of art or the equpiment that produced the only thing that is ever changed by it is the artist. -Anonymous
A good photograph will make an uncommonly good image of common subjects. -Anonymous
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don''t have the film. -Anonymous
The brave ones were shooting the enemy, the crazy ones were shooting film. -Anonymous
If a picture is worth taking it's certainly worth faking. -Anonymous
When one picks up ones camera and freezes a moment in time we all get a glimpse of ones soul -Anonymous
One...Two...Three...Photography! -Anonymous
Where is the picture? Deadline is in an less than an hour away, this is a multi-million dollar operation........ and it waits for no one! -Anonymous
"Photography is like a lemon, sour to some, but lemonade to others" -Anonymous
Some of us cynics say that "the quickest way to make a million dollars in photography, is to start with two million dollars". -Anonymous
Good photography speaks through silence. -Anonymous
In the coming struggle between the capitalist and socialist worlds, the political photograph will play an important role as a convincing visual means of propaganda. The workers of the world have to fight for control of this means of propaganda, to then turn it into a weapon of class struggle... -Anonymous , part of the "Proclamation of the Worker Photographers of the World", "Der Arbeiter-Fotograf", Vol. V, No. 5. [cited in: "Photography/Politics: One", Photography Workshop, London 1979, p. 80]
..the montage has to be comprehensible to the working class, in no way must they degenerate into puzzles or be so complicated as they can't be understood. -Anonymous , - the critic of De Tribune [Rotterdam] complaining about exhibition of worker photography. (De Tribune, January 2, 1933, p. 4) [cited in: "Photography/Politics: One", Photography Workshop, London 1979, p. 85]
It is to be understood that worker photographers intending to exhibit . are to concentrate on the photo of class struggle and proletarian life. No bourgeois portraiture, nudes, landscapes, still lifes, will be exhibited. -Anonymous , - instruction to exhibitors to "Proletarian Photo" exhibition, (New Masses VII, No. 1, June 1931, p. 22) [cited in: "Photography/Politics: One", Photography Workshop, London 1979, p. 95]
I can't sing, I can't paint and I can't write how I feel, so all I have left is photography to express myself. -Anonymous
Photographs don't lie, people do. -Anonymous , Slogan on the poster of the film "PROOF", Australia 1991) [source:, Memorable quotes]
Everybody loves to have their picture took. Everybody. -Anonymous , Leon (Bernzy) Bernstein (movie character, played by Joe Pesci, "Public Eye, The" 1992) [source: , Memorable quotes]
Unlike a painter, a photographer starts with something finished and works backward. -Anonymous
"If you put an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number
of digicams for an infinite amount of time, one of them will make
a usable and credible Image and the rest will make the ordinary crap."
Any time you simplify something, you increase the number of people who
will use it, and so you lower the sophistication level of the average
person using it.
Thus, digital photography lowers the average competence of photographers. Not so Anonymous - John D.
An analog lightmeter in the hand is worth 2 digital meters in the shop window! Not so Anonymous - John D.
"The perfect tripod is a cubic yard of solid concrete with a 1/4" X #20 bold head sticking out of the top." Not so Anonymous - Ansel Adams