"The Master Site for the Larger Camera"
Flaunting the Pacemaker Speed Graphic and the venerable Aero Ektar 7In.
" Never before in photographic history has been written so much about one lens to so few !"
John D. esq
What is it?
The Site does not to pretend to be a technical source for future owners nor history of the Graflex, Graphic cameras by Folmer Graflex Corporation.
No sweat though, you will find many sources on our link page.
Known also as the "Poor man's Linhof Technica" and nowadays obsolete, we must strongly disagree with this statement.
The strongest point of the SG (Speed Graphic)was and still is its strong focal plane shutter.
Apart from the ability to shoot handheld 4x5 film and chromes we can use barrel lenses.
This is what this site is all about...experimenting with barrel lenses of old age, large apertures and especially a fine bokeh!
The SG was made for commercial lenses and shutter speeds of Max 1/400 so the Focal plane was extra to reach the unbelievable shutterspeed of 1/1000 of a second.
Name us any large format camera that can do this!! This is what makes the SG highly wanted to day!
Using barrel lenses, a focal plane is mandatory if you don't want to work with a lenscap or a black hat that is.
The site will grow day by day...till now we have two projects and the results are fruitful.
There are many more barrel lenses with their own characteristics but we start with the Aero Ektar.
There might be more barrel lenses with their own characteristics like the Taylor & Hobson and Cooke & Sons to name just a few..
Barrel lenses are often overlooked, are cheap and fun to use with a FP shutter that is.
Modern lenses and plasmats have a max aperture of f5.6 where barrel lenses offer larger apertures from f1.8.
Resulting in a bright groundglass and a shallow depth of field, these lenses are shouting for experiments with wide open apertures...
We are on the lookout for a 165/1.8 Ernostar. by Ermanox.
The Ernemann Klapp, but with the monster Ernostar 1.8 lens. They were available as 858/3 for 6.5 x 9cm, the 858/7 for 9 x 12cm, 858/9 for 10 x 15cm and the giant 858/11 for 13 x 18cm. None of these models are common today, production ceasing in 1927, but the larger sizes, especially the 858/9 and 858/11 are extremely rare.
If you have any leads on this lens or special lenses you do favor, don't hesitate to contact us.
Note: For those readers who made the jump to 4x5 recently, we have added many pages with interesting information:
- Formulae
- Exposure metering
- Polaroid backs
- B&W tips and some...
Driebergen-R, Oct 1st 2005
Carte de Visite...
John D. de Vries.

Tempus fugit... temperature has gone up > F98
The site started growing ever since it was published.
Finally as with all projects, there will be light at the end of the tunnel and consequently there will be a finish.
In between a CD-rom was compiled with the Moskva-5, Euromaster, Norwood Director sites embedded.
Copies were sent to photographers and magazines to beta test.
Driebergen-R, July 24th 2006

Driebergen-R, Sept 8th 2006
Writing the last content for a while ???
Content: 195 Html/645 Images/200 Graphics
Today, the end of the tunnel was reached....and I decided the job was done! The core pages that is....
That does not mean it does not be monitored and updated once in a while. The User group is growing and will bring some editing work i.e publishing user images for the gallery etc...
Now, I will have more time to concentrate on my own photography for the site. Definitely not the time to sit down and relax...
4 packs of Polaroid type 56 are waiting to be fed on the AE monster :-)
I do hope this site will bring you valuable information and will arouse and inspire you, in the mean time keeping alive what real photography is all about.
Receiving many requests and inquiries makes me believe that there is life left for LF photography after all.
Carte de Visite...
John D. de Vries.

Driebergen-R, Nov 11th 2007
It's all over....The fat Lady sang, showered and gone home! And so did I :-)
As we wrote on september last year "Today, the end of he tunnel was reached", we must admit we did not see the other tunnel coming we rolled into....
And on we went, adding pages on gadgets, technique, a little Tao, Quotes and some. Now more than a year later we're pretty sure, we have reached the end of the second (hidden) tunnel also.
And this time it is final, we did see the light and we are convinced all has been written that possibly could raise any questions about working or dancing with the Speed/Aero rig.
When all has been said, it is nice to be quiet and relax. "Dolores capitis non fero. Eos do" An asperin and one or two MM's won't hurt.
Now it it is all decide what you're gonna do with this combo.
Please, feel free to send your comments, diatribes and cries for help anytime.
Carte de Visite...
John D. de Vries.
Driebergen-R, Jan, 15th 2008
View from my room...
We did receive some questions about ending and finishing the Site from anxious users and visitors.
To end all guessing and speculations, we hopefully give a clearer view on this subject now.
When writing "All has been written" , we meant the Aero Ektar and Speed Graphic combo only. It is not unlikely however, we will continue, when we get our hands on another barrel-lens like the Ernostar or Pentac. It speaks for itself we thought, we will continue our userlist completions and adding new users from time to time also.
We would welcome any innovation by our users and will report these and other solutions as well on a special page. As the list is growing, we occasionally think about a possibility to meet somewhere, some day in the near future.
Ideas from our users are highly appreciated and will get serious thoughts. Lately, there was a request to choose a subjectmatter to photograph by all members simultaneously. Let us know what your thoughts are about this.
We could publish the results on our site also.
Till then,
Carte de Visite...
John D. de Vries.
Post Scriptum
The Site is finished and stays "asis", meaning no more updates, no more registering here.
The people published in here are the pioneers of this sojourn. The Pioneers get the arrows, the settlers the info :-)
However you can join our FB page and meet more members. You will find us here:
Please copy and past this line in your browser.
See you there...
june 2011, renewed meeting with David Burnett.