Some people see a "Rocking Frog"

I see proper metering,
Good Lens selection,
and a perfect composition....

The image above has been taken by Femke, my granddaughter. Femke was my assistant during her first 3 years and she probably took notice of what I did and still do...making photographs.( Dadaa took care of Femke on Monday's during her first years)
Together we did quite a lot of photographs, from Pinhole via 4x5/8x10 - Digital.

Amazing experience it was, when she recently asked if she could take some photographs...and I thought why not.
So I picked up my Coolpix 950   Highslide JS
CoolPix 950 (1999)  Close
 which I bought in 1999 and decided it was hers when she wanted to do some shooting.
Years back I did the same and gave her mother(my daughter) a Lubitel TLR (Twin lens reflex - copy of the Voigtländer Brilliant)   Highslide JS
Lubitel 2 - From Russia with love....  Close
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My daughter Solange and her Lubitel (1979)  Close
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My tools in the seventies....Still going strong!   Close

Stunning it was when I reviewed the images on my PC - No falling horizons, No subjects too far away, No statical viewpoints (She even chose for low view points and Frog’s-eye Perspective when it was appropriate)

I guess it will prove what early encounters can do and I do hope it will turn out to be a lifetime-working spark of dedication to photography.

Femke's learning phases...

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Auto portrait...
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In the Field with Wisner TD 8x10
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Showing her Fisher Price camera...
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Making a self portait with Dadaa
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Checking exposure with Norwood Director.
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Posing has become natural also...
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Placing Polaroid back on Pinhole Camera
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Almost ready to expose...
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On the far left is Femke...(Aged 7 and storing a photographic knowledge already!)
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Dadaa was monitoring but shot also....

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