Linhof anatomical grip
These grips are very well made and offer a steady grip when mounted on the left side of your SG.
It is also much more convenient to use as the normal leather strip when working handheld. Out in the field it can be a hassle though...
No sweat, you can take the grip off at your convenience or when more suitable for the situation.
These grips are available new around USD 550 and appear on Ebay regularly. If you're lucky you can have one for around USD 150 - 200.
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Linhof Optical Multifocus finder
The Linhof Optical Multifocus viewfinder (LMVF) can not be compared with the tubular Pacemaker finder.
It is a complex optical design and is placed second to no one. You can use it without mounting, just carry it around and look for a view with any lens from 75 -360mm,before unpacking your camera..... Complete precise parallax correction for shorter distances.
You need steep pockets where prices come up though. If you're lucky you could have one for around USD 500 or so. (More than you payed for your SG I'm pretty sure about that)
The earlier type (Technika IV) will run from USD 200 - 250)
They still can be obtained new (New styling same device) at a wallet-stretching price of USD 1200....
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Linhof Universal Sonnenblende
A perfect shade for your lenses...The lens-shade dia 70mm consists of the following parts.
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- Lens-shade of unbreakable glossy plastic.
- Retaining ring for circular filters
- Filter holder for slip-in filters
- Reducing ring for lens-shade/filter holder for the next smaller diameter.
Reducing rings are available for 60-51-42-32 mm
Be warned though when the lens-shade is used, only small camera movements may be employed due to the danger of vignetting otherwise....!
Middle prices on Ebay from 45 and up.
Linhof Cassettes
A perfect back to expose 6x9, 6x7 negatives on rollfilm.
These cassettes called "Super Rollex" are indeed what the name implies - SUPER. They definitely are in another league than the original Graflex backs. a price (New, still to order for 2200 usd -No Joke)
In my view only reasonable to use for owners of both systems.
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Comment on costs...
Be be prepared to burn some cash as the above accessories can easily go beyond the price of your camera.
If you are very lucky you might find all items on Ebay, hence you need deep pockets....
See also our accessory page.