My personal rig: SG/AE on Sinar Tilt head.

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Tripods and heads
My personal view..
Many times during my photography career I've heard over and over:
"I don’t need a panning base on my ballhead—I don’t shoot panoramics."
- "I don’t need a panning base—I’ll just rotate the ball to aim left or right."
- "I don’t care about leveling my tripod—I can level my camera with the ballhead."
I think we all can agree on the following:
A tripod serves a critical function when lighting conditions are low or fine focusing is essential.
* Make adjustments to the tripod before attaching the camera.
* Use a monopod for more mobility when using shutter speeds of 1/30 and up.
* Choose a tripod with a quick-release head to allow for fast removal and easy mounting of your camera.
But do we need to level the tripod or the camera?
Sounds familiar?:
You're planning some shots...You set up the tripod to the desired height and take a shot. Next you pan the camera over to one side and find out that it's no longer level. You take a few shots after readjusting the camera to level it again, then swings it back to the other side, and find out that the camera is crooked again.
The problem is, even though the camera may be level, the platform on the tripod itself isn't so when you pan side to side the camera ends up all cockeyed. Trying to level the tripod by adjusting the legs can be a frustrating experience, but there is another solution to this whole problem. Both Gitzo and Bogen/Manfrotto make tripod levelers that insert between the legs and head and enable you to square your view of things with reality, even when you pan the camera.
Make it a habit to level your Tripod always before mounting the camera...It will save you a lot of trouble!
Leveling your camera for each shot certainly will become a pain in the neck!!
Armchair practice: Move your mouse in one straight line between the red dots!

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Linhof Bubble Level
Precision engineering
Recently I acquired this Linhof two - way bubble level through Ebay
Anybody who can shed some light on the year of production and the use of part 2?
The level has a shoe to mount on a flash shoe but it came mounted on part 2.
Official name - "Kreuzlibelle mit Zangenklemmung", translated - "Cross spirit level with pliers clamp"
Really appreciate any information.
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Linhof Bubble Level, the mystery unveiled...
GG leveling
For perspective correction - e.g converging verticals of buidings and the like - the ground glass plane must be vertical!
The best way of obtaining exact adjustment is to use a spirit level. For this purpose a small, easily attached double spirit level is available, which is mounted on the upper edge of the focusing hood frame, after folding back the hood and fastened with a retaining screw. The GG can then be easily adjusted horizontally and for swing.
Source: Linhof practice 1964 - thank you Frank.

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Acratech Level Base
Perfect engineering
* Weighs 1/2 lb (226,5 grams).
* Easily holds over 25 lbs. (11.4 kg).
* Allows 10 degrees of movement in any direction.
* Precision C.N.C. machined.
* Beautiful satin black anodized finish.
* Fits all standard (1/4-20 and 3/8-16 camera threads).
* Fits all standard 3/8-16 tripod heads (1/4-20 model available soon).
* Ball will not shift when tightened.
* Oilless and greaseless ball will not attract or hold dirt and debris.
* Smooth knob action for easy and secure positioning.
* Precision bulls eye level for accurate positioning.
* All knobs are secured so they cannot vibrate loose and fall off.
* Low profile design, only 1.77” tall (not including stud).