![]() The design of the Invercone resulted from a rare combination of one man's experimental ingenuity and the collaboration of a responsive manufacturer. The venture was to give photographers an exposure-estimating tool which, in the writer's opinion, has not been equalled. But before launching into a description of BLC it is worthwhile to understand something of the photographic environment in the Fifties and Sixties; the period which gave birth to the Invercone. In colour photography, reversal film reigned supreme, principally because the alternative colour print process was attended by high cost and poor quality. This popularity was not suppressed by the difficulty of accurate exposure estimation demanded by the former. The motion film industry had already been using colour reversal film for some years, and faced the dual challenge of 'correct exposure' and the need for a consistent screen brightness from scene to scene. The solution to this problem was to come by courtesy of incident light measurement.
Later it was found that a better performance in side lighting could be obtained with the flat cell meter by use of the 'duplex method', where the exposure given is the average (geometric mean) of two separate readings covering the main and fill-in light sources. In America, the Norwood Director exposure meter (later known as the Brockway and eventually as the Sekonic) was an early and successful attempt to solve both motion picture needs and side-lighting problems. The Norwood used incident light measurement employing a translucent hemisphere over the meter receptor cell. The hemisphere is actually a three-dimensional model of 'real world' objects, light reaching the inside of which is used to estimate exposure. The performance of the hemisphere is said to be 'compensating' because it integrates light received from a multitude of directions associated with both the main light and fill-in sources. Returning to stills photography 40 years ago, exposure estimation was particularly difficult in back-lit situations even with an incident meter such as the Brockway. Such scenes have an inherently high contrast range, which is often greater than that which the film can properly handle. Nonetheless, shots of this type were considered stunning Ð provided that the appropriate exposure could be psycho-photographically balanced. That great innovator Jack F Dunn experimented with a system that enabled a standard meter to achieve such a balance in back-lit conditions. Early in the period, workers aimed at obtaining the 'correct exposure' in the highlights, as is evidenced by the Avo-Smethurst meter being known as the 'High-Light'. Later it was realised that a better balance is achieved using a mid-tone bias, where the highlight and the shadow portions of the scene are equally sacrificed. Dunn presented a paper at the Nineteenth Hurter and Driffield Memorial Lecture in 1957 at the Royal Photographic Society: that work, Developments and Trends in Practical Exposure Determination, outlined how a mid-tone bias could be obtained using back-leak compensation (BLC), and led to a collaboration with D Connelly, of Sangamo Weston, in the commercial realisation of the Invercone (V). This was the most innovative period in exposure meter development, which has sadly lain dormant ever since. Instrument technology has improved vastly due to electronic advances, but makers have not developed their sensing techniques. That the Weston Invercone is still held in such high regard is significant, and the writer knows of no meter of its type available today that is its equal.
It is not fair to compare readings from the Sekonic meter directly with those from the Weston meter as the latter uses an out-dated galvanometer movement (which is not linear). It was therefore decided to adopt the Sekonic to accept the Invercone attachment. Importantly, a graph of the indicated exposure versus the sun position relative to the meter produces essentially the same shape curve for both the Weston and the Sekonic, so validating the test plan to use the Invercone on the Sekonic meter.
It is sometimes said that the Invercone behaves in the same way as a hemispherical receptor, but this underestimates Weston's design. Quite apart from the BLC effect, less receptor area is presented to the sun in side lighting than with a hemisphere, so calling for slightly greater exposure when the main light is at an angle of 40-80¡. The same pair of curves that reveal this result also exhibit very different behaviours for the 90-180¡ region, where the Invercone (blue curve) exhibits increasingly less droop than the Lumisphere (red curve). The extent of the droop difference is approximately 1EV.
The accompanying three-curve graph shows the reduced droop that is obtained when the meter is held at an angle of 45¡ (as well as an interim angle of 22¡ for the Lumisphere). The reader is urged to compare the starting points for both graphs, and to observe that the basic reading for frontal lighting is not affected by tilting the meter, but the 180¡ back-lit condition now shows that the red curve for the Lumisphere has changed from a droop of 2.9EV to a mere 0.9EV. By contrast, the Invercone was less deceived by holding the meter at 45¡, reducing in droop from 1.9EV to 1EV. Even tilting the Lumisphere just 22¡ produces a greater shift than this (1.6EV overall).
The reader may wonder what is going on here and ask whether this difference is rather academic. Before coming to an early conclusion, study should be made of the third graph here, which is for a low sun elevation of 30¡ with, by definition, an increased the lighting ratio. The red curve (Lumisphere) now shows a massive droop of 3.2EV while the blue curve with the Invercone exhibits a smaller droop of 2.1EV. It was previously shown that holding the conventional cardioid meter at 45¡ gives an excessive boost to the back-lit reading, but holding the meter at half that angle, approximately 22¡, has yielded a general droop of 1.5-2.1 EV, which is more realistic.
In a more typical back-lit condition (the pair of pictures), the reading from a vertically held meter once again shows over-exposure, whereas when the meter is held at 45¡ there is a lesser amount of under-exposure. Although the meter angle of 22¡ (not shown) gives a slightly better result, there is less difference between the 45¡ and 22¡ orientations due to the reduced lighting contrast ratio prevailing in this back-lit scene.
It is now possible to see a basket of reasons for users' claims that exposure estimation is better when tilting the meter receptor upwards. In the light of these observations the writer is of the opinion that most workers will see an improvement in exposure estimation if the following techniques are used... 1) In cloudy, flat or non-directional light, hold the meter vertically. 2) When working wholly within the shadow area of a building, use the meter vertically. 3) In sunny, white sky, conditions with light coming from side-to-back (the 90-180¡ range), use the meter at 22¡. 4) In all high contrast, sunny blue sky, situations, hold the meter at 22¡. 5) In low sun elevations (below 45¡), hold the meter at 22¡.
On the last point, it is all too easy for makers to hide behind standards, and for standards committees to perpetuate the status quo Ð as Connelly discovered. It was only after great effort that he eventually succeeded in getting the cardioid receptor introduced in the American Standard, but he did not succeed in getting the property of BLC so embodied. Without doubt, this would have been seen as too brand-specific. It was a loss to us all.
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J O H N D esq. 10/2002